This article proposes the term ‘black cube’ to describe some forms of performance art in Singapore in the mid-1990s.
This article proposes the term ‘black cube’ to describe some forms of performance art in Singapore in the mid-1990s.
Together with Elyssia Bugg and Jeremy Eaton, I guest-edited a special issue of Currents titled “Archipelagic Encounters.”
I contributed an essay on Urich Lau, Graciela Postigo and Daisuke and what it means to watch pre-recorded performances for R3: Scape-City (online, 2021).
I wrote a review for Ho Rui An’s Conspiracy of Files, a performance-lecture at Pathways of Performativity in Contemporary Southeast Asian Art, 27–28 June 2019, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany.